Millennium Computers

Discount Home for MailOrder Computers & Computer Components

Millennium Computers provides you an easy way to custom-order your computer and any computer components right off the Internet! Thus, saving you wear and tear on your vehicle, time out of your busy schedule, and most of all - your hard-earned cash!

We have been in business for over 8 years and we provide a full money-back guarantee good on any items purchased within the first sixty (60) days of use

How to Order Your Custom-Built Computer

Step 1:  Pick a Processor (the larger, the faster your computer will run)

Step 2:  Choose the amount of Memory you'd like.

Step 3:  The Size of Your Hard Drive (gives you more storage capacity)

Step 4:  Size of your Monitor (expensive, yet the 21-inch is the best way to view two 8 1/2 by 11 inch documents side by side.)

Step 5:  CD-ROM speed (makes those movies go faster!)

Step 6:  DVD Player* (a customer favorite!)

Step 7: Fill out your billing information

Step 8: Click the "Send" button

Step 9: Receive your Computer!

* Our DVD Players are out of stock.

Our apologies, all Millennium Computer's DVD Players are sold out, per former New York City Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani's Patriotic Shopping Request of 9/11.

Complaints can be sent directly to Giuliani at or to our offices at

Please check in again soon, or fill out a back order request.

Start Your Order Here

Click on each item(s) you'd like.   Fill out your billing information and press the "Send" button to complete your order.

Processors Memory Hard Drives
Monitors CD-ROMs DVDs*: to back order
 Billing Information 

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