Millennium Computers provides you an easy way to custom-order your computer and any computer components right off the Internet! Thus, saving you wear and tear on your vehicle, time out of your busy schedule, and most of all - your hard-earned cash!
We have been in business for over 8 years and we provide a full money-back guarantee good on any items purchased within the first sixty (60) days of use
How to Order Your Custom-Built Computer
Step 1: Pick a Processor (the larger, the faster your computer will run)
Step 2: Choose the amount of Memory you'd like.
Step 3: The Size of Your Hard Drive (gives you more storage capacity)
Step 4: Size of your Monitor (expensive, yet the 21-inch is the best way to view two 8 1/2 by 11 inch documents side by side.)
Step 5: CD-ROM speed (makes those movies go faster!)
Step 6: DVD Player* (a customer favorite!)
Step 7: Fill out your billing information
Step 8: Click the "Send" button
Step 9: Receive your Computer!
* Our DVD Players are out of stock.
Our apologies, all Millennium Computer's DVD Players are sold out, per former New York City Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani's Patriotic Shopping Request of 9/11.
Complaints can be sent directly to Giuliani at or to our offices at
Please check in again soon, or fill out a back order request. |